I decided to dedicate my life to the journey towards the Self. A decision I never regretted, and which guides the work that I do. Therefore from my own passion and interest for the inner work I created “Encounter yourSELF”.
For me it means accompanying the people that want to start this wonderful, intense, and indescribable journey, which takes us closer to who we truly are, beyond the name, profession, relationships, social status and so on. It is an inner process that we do in silence, it requires great dedication, will, effort, commitment and consciousness, but it’s the way that allows us to discover who we are in the most intimate and sacred space of our Being.
I haven’t told you yet what is the Self? what is the purpose of the journey? What will you and I discover through this inner work?
The Self is a concept coming from Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. The concept appears as well in other traditions and cultures, having different names: the Consciousness, the Essence, the Inner Being. It represents the wholeness of our psyche. In Jung’s words: “Intellectually the self is no more than a psychological concept, a construct that serves to express an unknowable essence which we cannot grasp as such, since by definition it transcends our powers of comprehension. It might equally well be called the ‘God within.’ – CW 7, par. 399.
The Self, known also as the Essence, the Consciousness is our true nature, but here we find ourselves in front of the questions: Who am I? Which is my true nature? There is an ancient teaching saying you have been created in beauty, perfection, you were full of virtues. Our true nature is Love, Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Beauty. This is what I propose to you - let’s discover our true nature and live life in the virtue of Love.
Which is the natural state of the human being? As much as it can be a shock for you, it is not suffering, it is not pain, sadness, conflict, anger. Our natural inner state is consciousness, happiness, joy, wisdom, Love. That is what we long for in life. But we’ve got to a point where we don’t believe that happiness, peace, harmony can be permanent. Unfortunately, we do believe that suffering is even necessary. By looking deep inside us we discover an infinite fountain of love and peace.
The purpose of this inner journey is to go beyond ego and to achieve Self-realisation. This is what Jung called individuation, the psychological process that makes of a human being an “individual”-a unique, indivisible unit or “whole man”. For Dante is the Joy or the bliss of Paradise, for Maslow is self-actualization, for the Greeks is Apotheosis, for Buddhism is enlightenment. It is living life in a state of consciousness, presence and connection with your true nature, your true Self.
As Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living" . I invite you to look into yourself, investigate your thoughts, emotions, actions, words, and choose; open the doors to your inner universe; encounter your Inner Being, your Self; and take responsibility for who you are; live your life authentically expressing the beauty, the qualities of your Being.
It is not an easy process, but it is the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced in my life!
Juan Ruiz Naupari - Pneuma Transpersonal Training
Carl Gustav Jung - Complete Works