Fear with its million faces, seems to be at the root of suffering … fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of loneliness, fear of death, fear of ridicule, of being criticised, of being hurt, and so many others, are infesting our lives, leading to self-doubt, isolation, pain, anxiety, sadness, and even more fear. But fear is fear, whatever its cause and object. Anything can become an object of fear.
It claims to protect me, but in fact it’s paralysing me. What do I do when fear takes control? I stop living. I remain stuck in the intensity of the emotions and the horror of the thoughts. I lose hope, I lose perspective, I lose energy. I lose. Fear wins and I am paralysed in sadness and discouragement.
Fear paralyses me, it doesn’t protect me. I stop living, I stop loving, because Love is conditioned by fear, love and faith; the trust that I have all that I need to face what life brings, otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am; trust in the transcendence, trust in life, trust in me…. And what I can do is to ask to go through whatever circumstances life brings, with love and consciousness.
I am loved, I am protected, not by fear, but by the Universe that created me.